Tips for Adjusting to New Hearing Aids
Receiving your hearing aids is such an exciting time! Hearing aids provide significant support which makes it easier to hear and process speech as well as sound, strengthening communication. Greater capacity to hear and communicate benefits all facets of life including improving relationships, work performance, social engagement, health, and wellness. Adjusting to new hearing aids can take a little time. Becoming familiar with this new way of hearing and navigating daily life is a change that requires getting used to. There are a few tips that can best help you with this transition:

You will receive your hearing aid during your hearing aid fitting appointment which happens after your hearing test. During this appointment, your hearing healthcare provider will program your device with specific settings that will optimally meet your hearing needs. They will also walk you through how to use (switch settings, charge, adjust volume, etc.) and best maintain your device. It is important to listen carefully to this information - taking notes and/or bringing a loved one with you are useful ways to remember what is shared during this appointment. This time with a hearing healthcare specialist is also a great opportunity to also ask all of the questions you have about your hearing loss and your hearing aids.
Hearing aids are designed to seamlessly integrate into daily life. These innovative devices transform hearing health and wellness by maximizing hearing capacity. Be sure to give yourself the time to adjust to your new hearing aids and start in your home to help with an easeful transition.
At Ear to Hear, we’re here to help with your journey to better hearing. Contact us today if you have any questions about your new devices.
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